iWPS Global

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Ready to transform your workspace into a powerhouse of productivity and creativity? Look no further! 

In the dynamic world of startups, the workspace is not just a place to work; it’s a reflection of the company’s ethos and vision. This belief is what brought Licious, India’s leading direct-to-consumer meat and seafood brand, to iWPS Global, with the challenge of transforming their office space into an environment that embodies their spirit of innovation and commitment to quality.

The Vision Behind the Transformation

Founded in 2015 by Vivek Gupta and Abhay Hanjura, Licious has rapidly grown to become a household name in delivering fresh, high-quality meat and seafood across India. With their remarkable journey from a startup to a unicorn, Licious sought a workspace that would not only cater to their functional needs but also inspire creativity and foster a sense of community among their team.

Crafting a Unique Space for Licious

At iWPS Global, we embraced the challenge, understanding that the Licious team required a workspace that reflects their pioneering spirit and their roots in traditional values. The design concept aimed to merge modern aesthetics with elements that hint at their core business—fresh and premium meat and seafood products.

Innovative Design Elements: The office space was reimagined with open, collaborative spaces, using materials and textures that evoke the freshness and quality of Licious products. We integrated biophilic design principles to bring elements of nature indoors, creating a healthier and more inspiring environment for the team.

Cultural and Brand Integration: Recognizing the importance of brand identity, our design included bespoke art installations that tell the Licious story, from farm to fork. These installations not only add to the aesthetic appeal of the space but also serve as a constant reminder of the company’s commitment to quality and sustainability.

Flexible and Functional Spaces: Understanding the diverse needs of the Licious team, we designed the office to be flexible, accommodating both focused work and collaborative projects. Modern meeting rooms, breakout zones, and recreational areas were strategically placed to nurture innovation and team spirit.

Feedback from Licious Leadership

The transformation received overwhelming positive feedback from the entire Licious team. Among the most notable comments was from Co-Founder Vivek Gupta, who said:

“The new office space designed by iWPS Global has brilliantly captured the essence of Licious. It’s more than just an office; it’s a place where creativity meets tradition, mirroring our journey and values. This transformation has significantly boosted our team’s morale and productivity, making it a place where everyone is excited to come to work. iWPS Global has truly exceeded our expectations.”

A Workspace that Inspires

The collaboration between Licious and iWPS Global showcases how thoughtful design can transform a workspace into a source of inspiration and pride for the team. This project stands as a testament to iWPS Global’s capability to understand and translate a client’s ethos into their physical space, creating environments that inspire innovation and foster a strong sense of community.

The new Licious office is not just a place for work; it’s a reflection of the company’s journey, its commitment to excellence, and its vision for the future, making it a landmark project for iWPS Global in the realm of corporate office design.

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